The Best Camera Spots in and Around Your Home

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Security

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So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and set up your home security system. You’ve got the works, electric sensors, monitored cameras, carbon monoxide and fire detectors, even remote and sensor controlled lights. You have one decision left to make: where to put the cameras. It’s an extremely important decision since all of your hard work is for naught if you leave a sufficient blind spot. Here are the best places to put your cameras for the most effective surveillance system in Chicago.

Over Your Front Door

It might seem obvious, but too many people think that thieves wouldn’t dare waltz in the front door. Truth is, not only do some of them are, the vast majority do. More than 4 in 5 burglars will use the front door on their way in and out, so always install your first camera over the front door. A conspicuous camera, well out of reach or safely caged in, will deter most would-be burglars before they even start. If out of reach or protected isn’t an option, however, err on the side on inconspicuous; you’ll want to have a camera there one way or another, and one within easy reach and view of the burglar is one ripped down and destroyed.

All Other Doors

Pretty much any point of entrance that a person can walk comfortably through is a spot that should be recorded. Back doors, often devoid of a light source, make for a perfect entry for a potential thief. If any of your doors are shrouded in shadow, consider installing a sensor-tripped flood light for the best startled candid shots.

Windows Facing Away From the Street

Very few burglars who have decided to avoid the doors will try to jimmy open your front window in broad daylight, and broad daylight is when most burglaries occur. Look around your house to find secluded areas, windows in your fenced-in back yard, or side windows with a thick tree cover. Any of these potential blind spots should also receive the attention of a camera.

Hallways and Stairs

You’re not always going to get the best view of your burglar from the outside cameras; sometimes, you’ll want to set up cameras inside the home, as well. You want to use these cameras efficiently, however, so set them up in effective places. Hallways, staircases, any point that forces the intruder to pass through on the way from A (the door/window) to B (your stuff).

Always discuss your placement with a professional, even if you are installing them on your own. Every home will have different considerations, and an apartment in Chicago will require a very different setup than a colonial in South Carolina. Regardless of where you live, though, make sure to protect any blind spots for the safest surveillance system possible. Contact Alert Protective Services. LLC for effective surveillance system or visit for more detail.

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