Tips for Bed Bug Extermination in Fullerton

by | Sep 3, 2013 | Pest Control

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Lately you are finding little red bites that itch on you when you get up in the mornings, and you aren’t quite sure what they are coming from. You have no animals, on the outside of your home or the inside, so you know it can’t be fleas and you are baffled that it only seems to be when you wake up in the mornings. The Southern California Exterminators can tell you that you probably have an infestation of what is known as bedbugs. Believe it or not, bed bug infestations are more common than you would think and you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. Before you call in the extermination in fullerton professionals however, you might want to check and make sure that this is indeed the problem.

The first thing you need to do is take the sheets off of your bed. Take a flashlight and look for dark spots on your mattresses, and even on clothes that are next to the bed, (such as a dirty clothes pile.) These dark spots can be dead bed bugs, skin, blood, eggs or feces.

Next, check and see if you have little red bites on your skin that itch like mad. This is a sure sign that you have a bed bug infestation. Once you have done all of the above lift your mattress and check your box springs for the same little dark spots. If you lay out some double sided white tape on your mattress, you should be able to pick up a string of them on the tape.

If your bed smells like the spice coriander, then you probably have a severe infestation and need to call in the professionals to take care of it. A bed bug problem isn’t something that you want to take lightly, and you want to have it taken care of right away. While you can try and take care of the problem yourself, you really need to call in the Extermination in Fullerton professionals to take care of the problem for you, as bed bugs can get in your carpet and your couches as well.




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