No homeowner wants to be in the middle of a cold winter’s day dealing with a gas furnace repair. The best way to prevent this situation is by carrying out Heating Repair Fairfax VA when a problem is spotted. Homeowners should keep some important tips in mind when dealing with their gas furnaces.
A word of warning that should be noted when dealing with gas furnaces, if you smell gas at any time you should immediately get out of the house. On your way out open windows and doors. Once outside call the gas company and wait for them to deal with it. It is not a good idea to try solving a potential gas leak on your own.
Many times the problem is that there is just not enough heat being cycles throughout the house. One quick step is to check the filter. Few realize how important the filter is to a furnace and therefore often ignore it. You should check your filter twice a year and replace as necessary.
Another common issue when dealing with Heating Repair Fairfax VA especially when there isn’t enough heat can be as simple as the thermostat. Often these thermostats are set far too low. Gradually increase the temperature until the house is correctly heated. A noisy furnace is not only annoying, but can indicate a serious problem. Start by checking the belts. These belts can be worn or loose. If they are worn replace them if they are loose adjust them.
Some repairs require that you contact a professional. A dirty burner for instance is one such problem that should only be tackled by a certified technician. Know the difference between a repair you can handle yourself or one that needs to be carried out by a professional.
A gas furnace will often have more repairs needed when compared to an oil burner. Common gas furnace repairs can be handled by any homeowner. These repairs include checking the filters, they get dirty quickly and should be checked and replaced often. Adjusting your thermostats temperature setting is another important step. Many try to lower their heating costs by lowering the thermostat this can work except during very cold days.