There are many factors that go into determining how you trim your trees. It is not a one-size-fits all kind of thing. Mistakes done in tree trimming can be very costly. This is where you want to enlist the services of professionals, at-least even for the first time, if not subsequently. Some of the things that matter a lot include the type of tree which could be small, big, fruit and flowering among others. The kind of site where the tree is planted is also very important and these include shady, sunny, acid, alkaline, dry or wet.
Tree trimming Lakeland has to be done right. It is not uncommon to come across pruning cuts that have left large stubs or which have removed the swollen collar at the base of the branch. Rightly done cuts will see a ring of tissue growing around the cut’s margin after one season. This will depend with the age and type of tree.
The size of tree you are looking to trim will depend whether you do the work yourself or call in an expert to help you out. It would be good to have an expert if you are looking to prune very large branches. This is because of the climbing requirements and the machinery needed for the task. You cannot afford to guess your way around this most important task.
It is also important to know what should be trimmed and what should not. Tree trimming is not just about cutting branches haphazardly. The important thing here is to prune branches that are unwanted while protecting the trunk and stem of the tree. All pruning cuts should essentially happen on the branch side of the stem collar so as to protect the stem and other branches that might be growing on the stem.
When should tree trimming be done? This is a very important question. Trimming is best done during the dormant season – that is winter or late fall. Dead branches have no special time and can be removed at whatever time or season. Why pruning happens during the dormant period is that sap loss is reduced greatly and every other stress that may happen to the tree. It also ensures that the possibility of fungal infection and insect infestation is greatly minimized. For deciduous trees, do your best to trim when the leaves are off for you to get a better picture of how the tree trimming will affect the shape of your tree.
There are many tree trimming Lakeland experts that can help you a great deal in trimming your tree in the right manner. Do not undertake the job if you do not have the knowhow. Get the professional do it for you the first time and then you can do the work in subsequent times.
For more information, tips and ideas on Tree Trimming Lakeland, talk to those who understand best.